Monday, November 21, 2011


Well, its that time of year again. The time when Mike goes hunting and I become a hunters widow for a week. This is my first time at this with Hot Rod. It has been surprisingly calm. As long as I don't leave him alone of course. He hasn't been acting out or anything. We have spent our days watching movies, playing, and working out while he naps. We have also had a chance to catch lunch with my Mother in Law. She bought us some cookie cutters. I wanted shape ones so I could use them as a teaching tool when Rod gets older.
Oh yeah, and it snowed. It is so beautiful. Rod hates it. He cried the second I put him in it. Silly boy. I will post pictures later. Since there is snow I also decided to buy a pair of snow boots. I couldn't find any. I found some cute, brown, waterproof ones but they were too big. I had Rod put them on but he couldn't walk. Now that was comical. I guess buying snow boots just wasn't in the cards.
Can you believe I'm working out while on vacation? I can't. It's weird really. But I'm glad. At least I wont be falling behind. I'm nearly done with my program and I just can't believe it. I have come so far! Just over 30 days and I'm done. Sort of. I think I may try to do a second round of Insanity. I could use it! Ok, I'm tired. Night.

Monday, November 7, 2011

My morning with Hot Rod

My morning with Hot Rod seemed to be great. We woke up at 8:00! I actually got 7.5 hours of sleep! So excited. I brought him to my room and turned on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It was nice. We snuggled and I nursed him until he was ready to get up. He was in such a great mood! I decided a nice breakfast of eggs, potato, and ham was in order.

Looks yummy right? Maybe not but it's not too bad. Rod liked it though.

Dont you just love the look on his face?

Unfortunately, this didn't last long. He started by tossing food over the side of his high chair.

Then it escalated to him yelling at me...

Charming isn't he? I figured he was tired so I wiped him down, changed his diaper, and went to put him to bed. He wasn't going down. He just wiggled and squirmed. I wanted to work out so I grabbed some of his toys and put the play yard up. He did pretty well at first. I made sure he had his sippy cup and a graham cracker or two. He was happy until the last 11 minutes.

He's trapped and miserable. Poor guy. I held him and tried working out at the same time. I admit, I have mad balancing skills. Nothing like holding a baby while doing leg lifts!
Even after I was done he wouldn't go to sleep. We played for a few minutes and he just wanted to cuddle. Eventually, he fell asleep. I guess he didn't want to fall asleep in his bedroom. I would take a picture, but I'm not risking to wake up prince charming. :) That my friends, is a not so typical morning with my little Hot Rod.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Posts that bother me

I am usually not one to discuss stupid posts on Facebook. But what I read this morning really bothered me. I am a part of a fitness support group. I really like it and think it's pretty supportive. What i read broke my heart. One gal posted that her adorable three year old went up to some kids eating McDonalds and told them "McDonalds makes you fat." Later the three year old went up to a woman drinking from a McDonalds cup and told her the same thing.
I couldn't help but find this neither cute nor adorable. I just thought, wow, this poor girl is three years old and already is worrying about fat. She probably hurt some feelings. Especially if any of the people she said that to were on the heavier side. I don't think a three year old should worry about fat. I'm new to this group and didn't want to start anything but I had to say something. I basically told her that I thought it was sad. Instead of focusing on body image she should focus on being healthy. There are plenty of skinny people who are not healthy because of what they eat or sometimes not eat.
Thin does not mean healthy and it bothers me that people are teaching children this. healthy is eating the right foods, getting exercise, and having good self esteem. I am not even sure what happened. When I got back on later it had been deleted. I hope that maybe she changes her outlook on what she says to her kid. But she probably wont. It's time to start promoting healthy life styles and not unhealthy self images.